Recommended local Wedding suppliers
To help you plan your special day, we’ve put together a short list of recommended local wedding suppliers we regularly work with and think you’ll love. From room decor and stationery to hair and make up the small town of Annan hold so much local talent. However, this is just a shortlist of our recommendations. Why not visit our annual wedding fayre to see what other businesses have to offer? This is regularly held each year on the last weekend in February with scope to potentially hold more in the future.
Wedding & Events Hire | Venue Decor Specialists
Professional wedding & event hire service specialising in chair covers & sashes, table decorations and venue dressing.
Hannah bingham | freelance videographer
Hannah runs her own videography & social media business focusing on creating dynamic, modern wedding videos to help create lasting memories of your special day.
Complete Bride | Hair & Make-up
Experienced hair and make-up stylists with years of experience in bridal and occasion hair and make-up.
Macc Design | Stationery
Beautiful handmade wedding stationery such as invitations, table plans and place name cards to fit in with both your wedding theme and budget.
Georgia buckley |
make up artist
Georgia specialises in bridal make-up & hair, frequenting a range of venues in Dumfries & Galloway and Cumbria. Georgia also runs a salon and offers lash extensions, nails and brow treatments so you can book your full bridal make-over!
morgan marchi |
Hair Stylist
Morgan specialises in bridal hair as well as colours and other styling. With many years of experience and glowing reviews we recommend her to all!
R & G Image Photographers | Photography
Wedding photographer based in nearby Ecclefechan – expert at capturing each and every special moment so you don’t miss a thing.
Chloe is a professional photographer & videographer based in and around Gretna Green. Capturing all your special moments on your big day